Familial Traces, 2023

A multi-media exhibition by Tereza Stehlíková20th January 2023 – 12th February 2023Visit by appointment via info@sternstudio.at A multi-media exhibition tracing and mapping some of the textures that make up the narrative of oneself: a fragile and ever-shifting construct made of embodied memories, fragments of early childhood experience, imprints of tactile encounters, threaded with family histories. The... Continue Reading →

Trespassing Wormwood

Steve and I have returned to our haunts after almost a year. It has been an interesting experience for me: having become something of an outsider in this previously local place, I have a feeling my perspective is shifting. It's hard to say what exactly it means in terms of my attention. But Wormwood has... Continue Reading →

Zoom Deep Beauty: Preview

In our new Covid-19 reality, when many of us spend extensive time on video calls, we are constantly confronted with our own face on the computer screen, the tiny camera reflecting back to us our own image. What is the effect of this new mirror, coming into prominence in a world already obsessed with surface... Continue Reading →

Cosmologist’s reflections on my new film

Having recently completed my short film Self-isolation Dinner, I have asked a selected number of interesting thinkers from different disciplines, to write a short response to the film. The idea is to offer different viewpoints on the work, so that the film is not an end in itself, but becomes an inspiration to dialogue, which... Continue Reading →

4 Generations Women – Water rituals

Listening to stories of drowning in my grandmother's family history Having resurfaced from my recent immersion in the timeless landscape of Southern Bohemia, I am now reflecting back on the experience of filming the four generations, from a distance. As mentioned in my earlier blog entry, about this year's filming, the focus of this summer... Continue Reading →

grand union canal

Ongoing explorations and musings, Worm Wood film project in making, in collaboration with Steve J Fowler. Sweltering heat, strange smells and heavy stenches drifting from nearby factories, spawning thick vegetation, the canal transformed into a toxic green carpet, impenetrable, surely hiding all sorts of disturbing content in its depth. Something much worse than the bloated... Continue Reading →

Ophelia’s Last Supper – filming

For the past 6 months I have been developing a concept for a new short film, based on a script I wrote in 2013, which itself was inspired by the Futurist Cookbook by FT Marinetti. The Futurist Cookbook, a wonderfully provocative manifesto to creativity, disguised as a cookbook, became a prompt for new kind of... Continue Reading →

TRIESTE: In-between states

TRIESTE: In-between states Short film made in collaboration with the writer Deborah Levy. To be screened at the Whitechapel Gallery on 1st December, 2016 http://www.whitechapelgallery.org/events/sense-of-place-international-women-film-makers/ I have just completed a short film, made in collaboration with the writer Deborah Levy. The film is an impressionistic documentary about Trieste, a city in north east of Italy, with a... Continue Reading →

with love

Here are two new short films I made for Absolute Now exhibition, at Atsukobarouh gallery, Tokyo, September – October 2015. The films explore the interconnectedness of four generations of women in my own family. Between Jirina and Anna, 2015 Duration: 4:43 min From you to me with love, 2015 Duration: 8:35 min  

Across the Unseen Sea

A full version of my film Across the Unseen Sea (2014) is now online. The film builds on a multi-sensory immersive performance I conceived and designed together with a number of key collaborators, and which took place on a single evening, at a unique London location and involved a small number of selected guests. The central... Continue Reading →


From my Trieste wanderings...April 2015.             "Great sadnesses … they are the moments when something new has entered into us, something unknown; our feelings grow mute in shy perplexity, everything in us withdraws, a stillness comes, and the new, which no one knows, stands in the midst of it and is silent.” Rilke ©Tereza... Continue Reading →

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