A soup for Ophelia

A soup for Ophelia: A scenario for a short film  Inspired by F. T. Marinetti A white room, a table covered in ivory white, slightly crumpled cloth, soaked in water, still dripping. A diner arrives, alone. She is wearing a moist, velvet green dress and large heavy jewels of glass and copper. Her face is... Continue Reading →

memory palaces

"And I come to the fields and spacious palaces of my memory, where are the treasures of innumerable images, brought into it from things of all sorts perceived by the senses."    "...These things do I within, in that vast court of my memory. For there are present with me, heaven, earth, sea, and whatever... Continue Reading →

with love

Here are two new short films I made for Absolute Now exhibition, at Atsukobarouh gallery, Tokyo, September – October 2015. The films explore the interconnectedness of four generations of women in my own family. Between Jirina and Anna, 2015 Duration: 4:43 min From you to me with love, 2015 Duration: 8:35 min  

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